Hello Alexandra fans! Last night, the season finale of The White Lotus premiered title “Departures“. You can find HD screen captures from the episode in the gallery. The episode was great! I really enjoyed the series and Alexandra was perfect. I recommend you to check it out if you haven’t. A second season has been announced, but it’s unlikely that Alexandra will return as it will be new guests checking into the hotel.

The gallery has now been updated with HD screen captures of Alexandra from the new The White Lotus episode titled “The Lotus-Eaters.” Next week is the series finale!

A new episode of The White Lotus titled “Recentering” released yesterday! I have updated the gallery with HD screen captures of Alexandra from the episode. Only 2 more episodes!

Hi Alexandra fans! A new episode of The White Lotus aired yesterday titled “Mysterious Monkeys.” I have added HD screen captures to the gallery! Check them out!

Hello Alexandra fans! A new episode of The White Lotus titled “New Day” aired yesterday on HBO! Make sure to check out the series if you haven’t yet! The gallery has been updated with HD screen captures from the episode!

Hello Alexandra fans! Alex’s new show The White Lotus premiered yesterday on HBO. Make sure you go check it out! I have added HD screen captures from the first episode titled “Arrivals” to the gallery. Enjoy!